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Airdrop And Gabrotech

Airdrop, which means help from the air, is the process of distributing new coins to the digital money market at no charge. It’s rationale is to promote new productions or produced coins in the digital money sector and make them recognized by a large audience. For a variety of strategies, such as building a solid community behind the coin to enter the market, a certain portion of the coin is distributed free of charge.


This, like its name implies, rewards users with points, bonuses and discounts to buy from stores. You can also keep track of your shopping preferences, remind yourself about coupons, tokens, discounts and upcoming sales details. Gabrotech found patent applications for ICO's unique solution that created more confidence and credibility among investors a week earlier. Unique solution Gabrotech offers a platform where users can benefit from many loyalty programs. It will also benefit companies that offer loyalty programs, so that their loyalty programs can achieve their business goals with success, because Gabrotech 2.0 is expanding globally. The use of Blockchain will complete the process of making the loyalty awards transparent and secure. The Gabro team, Blockchain, Loyalty awards are a true blend of professional and experienced young professionals in business ventures. They plan to solve the above-mentioned problems by creating a Customer Loyalty and Award platform based on Blockchain. This allows users to use a single platform for all Reward and Loyalty points. It also allows users to convert Rewards, Points, and Tokens into crypto currencies that they can use as desired. This also means that there is no more confusion in the creation and maintenance of reward and loyalty accounts. In addition, it is also confident and transparent that the full details of the transactions can be seen by the authorized persons. It is not central at the same time, and it ensures that one or more companies do not have rights over your data. Here you will have a say on how to use it. It also provides you airdrop alert opportunity.

ICO and Team

They plan to strengthen their platforms by introducing Garbotech (GBO) Token, which is based on Ethereum's ERC-20 Token standard. They plan to make their main sales on July 31st. To join the ICO you need to be registered, white listed and KYC approved.

The founder and the rest of the team have sufficient experience in Digital Strategy, Digital Marketing, Payments, Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction, Software Development, Blockchain, HR, Community Management and Design. The Advisory Board also consists of well-known and experienced Analysts, Economists, Engineers, Investors, Entrepreneurs, who also gain expertise in Payment Industry, Banking, Business Development, Blockchain, Investments and Finance.


They have a really great idea about solving the Reward and Customer loyalty programs. They have a good Token Economy and they pay attention to airdrop alert. We also have a great team with an experienced Advisory Board to support them. There are quite a lot of competition in this area because there are similar projects. Though they can see they will not win the market in the coming months, there is a workout demonstrating their commitment to the projects.

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