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Who we are?

Who we are?

TokenSuite’s team offers a comprehensive blockchain

TokenSuite’s team offers a comprehensive blockchain marketing solution, allowing you to focus on core business. We manage your marketing campaigns from bottom to top

Any concept takes a while to become a reality,

Any concept takes a while to become a reality, and most teams do not have enough time and experience to handle PR campaigns, push press releases, create a community, and efficiently manage multiple social accounts.

TokenSuite takes all that off your plate, whether you need media blasts, video marketing, ICO listings, community management, paid advertisements, social mediabroadcasts, bounty program management and even web design.

Importance of airdrops

Airdrops are a good way to create your community and get the word out to crypto users.
Each participants that gets airdropped in your token will go ahead and learn more about your project.

We also believe airdrops fit well with Satoshi's idea of wealth distribution.

Importance of airdrops

The problem, and why TokenDrops is the solution

Airdrops emerged when we stumbled upon these problems:

  • Projects are having problems with announcing.
  • Some projects are unable to offer referrals thus not incentivizing ROI.
  • Too many scam projects stealing private keys.
  • Too many scam projects failing to distribute tokens.
The problem, and why TokenDrops is the solution


Our successes

Prior to starting TokenDrops, our founding company TokenSuite successfully completed in excess of 10 airdrops and 40 bounty programs. TokenSuite has been in the crypto game since 2013, and is a well known player in the field.

Our amazing team

Ali Ömer Horzum
Ali Ömer Horzum CEO
Yusuf Kaya
Yusuf Kaya CFO
Brian D. Cowell
Brian D. Cowell CMO
Gökçe Güler
Gökçe Güler Chief of Support
Cemil Akgün
Cemil Akgün Support
Mert Aktaş
Mert Aktaş Support