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What is FRELDO (FRECN) ?

You can join this airdrop which is related to FRECN coin. You can get hundereds of dollars thanks to crypto airdrop and airdrop coins. These airdrops tokens will be provided by Freldo.

Freldo Inc. registered in Canada in 2011, is located in Toronto, Ontario. The company has developed a new social network called Freldo freldo.com. The name was chosen not by chance and derives from the word Friend. The motto of the company is “Trust Your Friends!”.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that from the very beginning it was created as a free public place, where small businesses and their customers – who are close friends and acquaintances – could communicate. At the same time, Freldo has become an example of successful implementation of new technologies in the interests of small and medium business development. The developers of Freldo have set themselves the goal of eliminating all the major problems that small business today faces in the online space. In particular, we are talking about the power of feedback, the high cost of advertising on popular Internet resources, the existing distrust of potential customers to service providers.


Freldo also solves problems in the field of pricing, simplifies the calculations, which positively affects both the financial condition of small businesses and the wallet of ordinary consumers. The Freldo network is now exploring who to transition to using blockchain technology, with the support of experienced specialists in this area. Thanks to these modern technologies, it will be possible to establish direct communication between the seller and the buyer, excluding any interference or influence of intermediaries. The popularity of Freldo is growing rapidly in the US and Canada.

This positive trend is due to a number of objective reasons. The main among them is that Freldo's capabilities meet the needs of the modern real market. As a supplement to the basic functionality, Freldo developers plan to make the most of the technical capabilities of gadgets available to ordinary people. For this, the FreldoApp mobile application is being developed.


In the near future, you will be able to take advantage of all the advantages of the Freldo network not only with the help of the Freldo.com website, but also with the specially created mobile application FreldoApp. Thus, the network will become an accessible resource in which you can communicate and make orders from anywhere with any device that has access to the global network.

The mobile application will not limit the user's ability in comparison with those participants of communication in Freldo, who work through the Internet site. And the users will be free to order services, buy goods, leave comments, etc. There will be no difference in functionality for business representatives.

You can earn lots of money and coin with  FRELDO (FRECN) airdrop. Also you can join airdrop coins distribution in our website and benefit from the other crypto airdrop events and airdrops tokens.

The mobile application implements both the consumer and the production side of the model. It will include access to smart contracts, any products and services that will be presented in Freldo at the time the application is launched. The Web interface can work in a Web browser without requiring a local installation.

It allows you to perform all actions, including viewing and editing the list of orders or goods lists, reviews, using received rewards, etc. To simplify the work with the application, Freldo will present the FAQ package, as well as relevant training materials and documentation. Third-party application implementations will not be branches of the Freldo platform or the FRECN token, but will be alternate clients for the same network.