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5 - 16
$25 ~ Per Person
Max 10.000 Participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: YO
Token type: *
ICO Token Price: $0.5
Distribution Info: After ICO

Welcome to Yobet Gambling platform Airdrop and Refferal program!

Campaign is limited to 10 000 users
Aidrop Budget is $255 000

Each user will receive $25 for simple steps 
Referral reward is $3,75 for each user 

Airdrop Rules:

1. Post a Proof of authentication in this thread with text

#Proof of authentication
BitcoinTalk Username: 
Do you want to participate in Affiliate Program: Yes/No

2. Fill in the simple Google form here: http://bit.ly/Yobet_Airdrop
3. Sign up on Yobet.io Website HERE Yobet
4. Go to your personal account and fill in your social networks links
After it you will receive $25 in Yo tokens
5. OPTIONAL: Share your Referral Link to receive $3,75 for each registration!

Tokens will be distributed to your account immediately, and you can withdraw it to your Ethereum Wallet in September.

Airdrop Spreadsheet