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2 - 19
125 VT ~ $20 Per Person
Max 8,000 Participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: VT
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: 0.0001 ETH
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Only a maximum of 8,000 validated participants will be able to get the airdrop or if not reached, the campaign will run until end of ICO.
2. Each participant will receive 125 VT worth $15 - $20 as compensation for the campaign.

3. The participants must do the following tasks and would be validated to get the airdrop tokens:
• Join Official Telegram Account (https://t.me/vitetoken)
• Follow Official Twitter Account (https://twitter.com/vite_app)
• Follow Vite on Medium, Clap and Share 2 recent articles
• Subscribe to Youtube Account and like any video related to Vite(https://goo.gl/YNP2bD)

4. Duplicates, Bots and Cheaters caught will be automatically restricted to be part of the airdrop.
5. Completed forms are sent to your email and can be edited if you've made a mistake.
6. Airdrop tokens will be distributed after the ICO

 Post your ERC20 ETH Wallet plus (Telegram, Twitter , YouTube profile and Bitcointalk profile links) on the thread for reference.
 Use the following format:

Bitcointalk Profile:
ETH Wallet:
Telegram username:
Twitter username:
Youtube profile link:

• Register to this FORM