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2 - 13
150 TZOs ~ $4.5 Per Person
Max 10,000 participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: TZOs
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.03
Distribution Info: After ICO
1. Join Telegram group  ( 1 stake)

2. Like them on Facebook  ( 1 stake)

3. Follow them on Twitter  ( 1 stake)

4. Follow them on  Instagram  ( 1 stake)

5. Follow them on Medium  ( 1 stake)

6. Follow them on Linkedin  ( 1 stake)

7. Send your proof of participation to Bitcointalk.
 In this format

Bitcointalk username :
Telegram username:
Facebook profile:
Twitter profile:
Instagram profili:
Medium profile:
Eth address :

* Total token supply of this Aidrop campaign is 1,500,000 TZOs worth over $45,000. First 10,000 people will divide the tokens among themselves depending on the stakes they earn.