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4 - 15
2,000,000 SPS ~ 22,250 Stakes Per Person
2,000,000 SPS ~ 1,000 Stakes Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: SPS
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.05
Distribution Info: After ICO

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1. Sign up from the link and try to complete as many tasks as possible

2. Download Suchapp from the App Store or the Google Play Store - 10,000 stakes

3. Invite friends (10 of them) to download the app - 5000 stakes

3. Open a public group on the Suchapp of your choice and get 50 people to join. - 5000 stakes

4. Follow on Twitter - 250 stakes

5. Like on Facebook - 250 stakes

6. Follow on Instagram - 250 stakes

7. Join the Suchapp Public Group in the app - 500 Stakes

8. Join the "Blockchain" Public Group in the application - 500 Stakes

9. Join the "Cryptocurrency" Public Group in the app - 500 Stakes

10. Share your personal referral link - you'll earn 1000 bets for each person who signs up through your link