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8 - 29
AMD rx580 GPU ~ Giveaway
Unlimited Partipicants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: STONE
Token type: *
ICO Token Price: $485
Distribution Info: After ICO

#1 Grand Prize: AMD rx580 8GB ddr5 $350 value!

#2: 750 STONE

#3: 500 STONE

#4: 250 STONE

#5: 100 STONE

The winner must listen to the Crypto Weekly show Thursday 10/25/18 8PM PST live or recording to obtain the random.org verification link.

  Winners need to send a signed message using the address that sent the 10 STONE to CryptoTYM#3689 in Discord by Monday 10/29/18. The message should be signed with "STONE MasterNodeMeBro18 Winner!" If the winner does not reply the next runner-up will receive the GPU. A video will be released showing you how to do this.

  Shipping may be limited to countries that have a major shipping carrier. If your country does not have FedEx, DHL, UPS, or the ability to receive USPS please do not enter the contest. Also, any tariffs, customs fees, taxes, or shipping costs to the recipient will not be reimbursed. Please find out if your country will impose such fees before entering, as we will only pay to ship it there. The GPU is being shipped from California USA.

For detailed information : https://steemit.com/masternodemebro18/@stonecoin/stone-amd-rx580-gpu-giveaway
