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4 - 11
730756 STIPS ~ 1 Stakes Per Person
Unlimited Partipicants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: STIPS
Token type: EOS
ICO Token Price: $0.1
Distribution Info: After ICO

   Follow up to all channels and leave 1 positive comment.

1. join Telegram channels EN  RU, bounty group and official chat

2. Follow their on Twitter and any post like and comment.

3. Follow Reddit. Rate and comment on any post

4. Follow on the Instagram. Like any post and comment.

5. Follow their on Medium and any post like and comment.

6. Subscribe to Youtube channel, comment on any video and like it.

7. Share your information on the airdrop form.

Get your EOS WALLET address here. Check out the Wallet creation video here

*Not required task. Bonus for the STIPS logo and website address in the Telegram username: 0.5 stakes (could be approved by a screenshot in the registration form)

* You must comply with all STIPS accounts listed. You will not be rewarded if you do not follow all of these accounts.

* Bets will be paid during the week after the ICO and all your subscriptions will be checked.