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5 - 23
50 SWC~ $50 Per Person
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: SWC
Token type: Waves
ICO Token Price: $0.01
Distribution Info: After ICO

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Every so often a good idea evolves to become a strategic inflection point, a response to the changes proposed by the new times. Start Waves is the answer to the new challenges of a modern era, it is the evolution of Crowdfunding: The CrowdImpacting. Can you invest in social and environmental initiatives and make money? This is the question that many investors ask themselves in these new times. And the answer is a great YES. The global trend of doing business and making money in balance with the environment and generating social impact has created new investment opportunities with great potential for ROI, Crowdimpacting, do not you know what it means? It is Equity Crowdfunding: a participatory financing in which a plurality of individuals join forces to invest in a market that is traditionally only available to institutions or people with a very high level of wealth. Crowdimpacting is a commitment to a positive change in society through innovative ideas that respond to current social challenges and improve the quality of life of people based on sustainable initiatives that promote environmental care. Do you think it's possible? Start Waves is the innovative decentralized participatory investment platform based on the Blockchain, which focuses on startups and companies with great potential for economic growth and which generate a positive impact on society and the environment. Start Waves will allow any person to combine forces to invest in a market that is practically new but has a great potential for growth due to the urgent need to optimize the use of natural resources. By issuing our own Token, built on the Waves platform, we are guaranteeing a sample of real utility value. Our Token Start Waves provides three forms of investment to generate net profits: you can change the token in exchanges, keep the token in the platform or use the token to take advantage of investment opportunities in companies or startups with growth potential and ROI. Using this last strategy, 70% of net profits will be returned to those who have tokens and invest them. Start Waves proposes a change of paradigm for our current society, changes the way of doing business, is the present and future of the world of investments.


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