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2 - 22
245$ ~ GCC Per Person
10$ ~ GCC Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: GCC
Token type: *
ICO Token Price: $1
Distribution Info: After ICO
Each member will be able to make up to 245$ worth of GCC tokens (GCC) + 10$ per referral
The value of each coin is set to 1 US Dollar per coin, in subject to Community agreement on coin value as follows :

"Soon the Global Crypto Credit (GCC) coin will be traded on the secondary market where its price will change over time. Firstly, it is in the interest of all members of the Community to establish the initial price of the GCC coin which all members could adhere to. Therefore, for the information of all members of the community, the price is set at 1 GCC = 1 US dollar. Secondly, every member of the STANDARTA community is interested in preventing the fall in the price of the GCC coin. To maintain the price of coins at the level of 1 GCC = 1 US dollar or higher, each member of the Community must support this Community Agreement on the price, which will allow members of the Community to independently adhere to such a minimum price in all their actions.

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