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Spheroid Universe
Spheroid Universe
0 - 57
1500 SPH ~ $150 Per Person
250 SPH ~ $25 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: SPH
Token type: SPH
ICO Token Price: $0.1
Distribution Info: After ICO

In the Spheroid World, choose as many roles as you like - investor, realtor, VR/AR developer, real estate and advertising agent, artist or architect, rentier, or just simply enjoy your territory becoming more and more interesting during the development of public VR/AR projects in the Spheroid World.

Follow these steps:

1. Register: Get Free 1500 SPH ($150)

2. Enter your username, email and password

3. Email Verification (MANDATORY)

4. Share Twitter Post (MANDATORY)

5. Share Facebook Post (MANDATORY)

6. Join Telegram Group: https://t.me/spheroiduniverseio (MANDATORY)

7. Join Telegram Bot: https://t.me/spheroid_affiliate (MANDATORY)

8. Copy the bonus code and send

9. Reflesh the Website page

10. Check the bonus menu

11. Congratulations 1500 SPH has entered

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