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6 - 29
0.1 SG ~ $10 Per Person
0.03 SG ~ $3 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: SG
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $100
Distribution Info: After ICO

SocialGood is the world’s first socially contributing token ecosystem. SocialGood is a project based on the vision of “improving society” that transcends national, racial, religious, and cultural differences

Visit the SocialGood website.

  • Go down and click on “Join with airdrop”.
  • Sign up and verify your email address.
  • Connect your Twitter and Telegram account to the dashboard.
  • Follow the mentioned Twitter page, retweet the tweet and join their Telegram group from the dashboard and submit it to the airdrop page.
  • You will get 0.1 SG tokens.
  • Also get 0.03 SG for every referral.

Follow us on Official TokenDrops Twitter and Telegram.