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0 - 8
240 SNOV ~ $2.4 Per Person
200 SNOV ~ $2 Per Referral
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: SNOV
Token type: *
ICO Token Price: $0.1
Distribution Info: After ICO

Snovian.Space continues Early Adopter Badge Program!

Get up to 200 SNOV tokens and exclusive referral program rewards!

Snovian Space is a crypto reward professional network where you get rewarded directly with crypto for being contacted.

How to participate:

  1.  Sign up HERE!

  2.  Add your ETH wallet address.

  3. Connect your LinkedIn or Facebook account

  4. Connect your phone number.

  5. Send SMS verification code from account settings to verify your account. (You cannot participate, if you do not) 

    You need to complete all of the above to participate.

Rewards Program:

First 1000 profiles — Instigator — 1st/1k badge. The regular reward plus 100% SNOV tokens for making a profile. 100% SNOV per referral link.

Second 1000 profiles — Pioneer — 2nd/1k badge and the regular reward plus 85% SNOV tokens for making a profile. 85% per referral link.

Third 1000 profiles — Explorer — 3rd/1k badge. The regular reward plus 60% SNOV tokens for making a profile. 60% per referral link.

Fourth 1000 profiles — Settler — 4th/1k badge. The regular reward plus 50% SNOV tokens for making a profile. 50% Snov per referral link.

The regular sign up reward is 130 SNOV and the regular referral bonus is 30%. These figures may change in the future.

Note: You will get your tokens as soon as the Early Adopters program finishes once we reach 5000 registrations, 2k milestone is completed.