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100 SATX ~ $15 Per Person
20 SATX ~ $3 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: SATX
Token type: Exchange
ICO Token Price: $0.15
Distribution Info: After ICO

The SatoExchange Token Airdrop!

We are glad to announce of the start of airdrops for the SatoExchange Token (SATX).

Airdrops Will Give Both New And Existing Members Tokens As Follows:

1. Each member who registers and completes airdrops steps gets a total of 100 SATX (valued at $15 at the time of posting this news) according to the ICO currently ongoing.

100 SATX ~ $15 Per Person

2. Affiliate bonus of 20 SATX (valued at $3 at the time of posting this news)  will be given to members once a new member registers with his affiliate link and completes airdrop process. 

20 SATX ~ $3 Per Ref

Please Note: The first phase of this airdrops is scheduled for the first 80,000 registrations both new and existing members.

Join Airdrop - Create SatoExchange Account HERE!

Do not forget to send your code to telegram bot after creating account. You will receive it by mail.


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