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2 - 20
100 RFG ~ $40 Per Person
CoinEx Voting
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: RFG
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.001
Distribution Info: After ICO



1. Register on www.coinex.com
2. Go “Account” -> “Verification” and pass “Personal” verification (you will need to make a photo with your passport).
3. After your verification will be confirmed (in 24 hours) you will need to buy CET token (for participate in vote on CoinEx you should have more than 1000 CET on your balance and pay 1 CET per vote).
4. Go to “Wallet” and make deposit of those cryptocurrency that you have.
5. Make exchange to CET.
6. Now go to “Vote” page and find there RFG coin (use search window).
7. Vote for RFG and make a screenshot where we could see that a vote was done (voted) and email of your profile at the top right corner of the web-page.
8. Send screenshot Vote and your ETH wallet to [email protected]


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