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7 - 27
10 PIN ~ $2.4 Per Person
5 PIN ~ $1.2 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: PIN
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.24
Distribution Info: After ICO


  • 1. Sign-up on the Poins Website.
  • 2. Submit your details to register. Ensure you input a valid e-mail address as you will be required to validate this.
  • 3. You will need to verify with your identity details, this is a mandatory requirement!
  • 4. Once verified go to, "Airdrop" on the dashboard.
  • 5. Join any Telegram group (Indonesian or English).
  • 6. Like & Share on Facebook.
  • 7. Follow and retweet pinned tweet on Twitter.
  • 8. Please ensure you take sufficient screenshots of you joining the social media platforms. Once done, upload these in the "Airdrop Configuration Menu".
  • 9. Your balance will be updated to 10 PIN coins after a few minutes while the information is being processed. You can receive an additional 5 PIN tokens for every successful referral.