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2 - 57
15 OPEX ~ $15 Per Person
Unlimited Participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: OPEX
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $1
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop HERE!

Optherium Labs is creating an ecosystem around a modular, Multi-Decentralized Private Blockchains Network™ that provides fast transactions and instant confirmations utilizing MultiSecure Transactions™, Dynamic biometrics™ – based user verification involving multi-currencies and multiple forms of digital assets.

Optherium is airdropping 15 OPEX tokens to their Telegram members. Join their Telegram group, download the VivusPay app and submit your details to the airdrop form to receive the tokens.

*Join their Telegram group.
*Download the VivusPay app for IOS or for Android and sign up.
*Post your proof of participation to this Bitcointalk thread.
*Submit your details to the airdrop form.
*You will get 10 OPEX tokens into your OPEX wallet.
*Also get an extra 5 OPEX tokens for rating the app on IOS or on Playstore and sending a screenshot of that to their Telegram moderator “@HungryLikeTheWolf” with your email address registered in the app. (Optional)

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