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26 - 123
Hot airdrop
5,000 XOM ~ $15 Per Person
2,500 XOM ~ $7,50 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: XOM
Token type: XOM
ICO Token Price: $0.003
Distribution Info: After KYC

Here is the link to download the OmniBazaar wallet for Windows, Mac and Linux: http://download.omnibazaar.com/support/download


    Being an "early adopter" has its benefits. The Welcome Bonus amount decreases as the number of users increases. Here are the details:

              USER NUMBER           COINS PER USER          TOTAL COINS

    • 1-1,000                              10,000                             10 Million (Completed)
    • 1,001-10,000                       5,000                             45 Million
    • 10,001-100,000                   2,500                           225 Million
    • 100,001-1,100,000              1,250                        1.125 Billion

    Here are the steps of the airdrop and bounty program:

    1. Download and install the OmniBazaar desktop application software.
    2. Start the program and select a user name and (strong) password. 
    3. Join the OmniBazaar Twitter feed using the link provided. 
    4. Join the Telegram chat using the link provided. Start the telegram bot.
    5. Register the MailChimp newsletter using the link provided.
    6. Click the button to register the user and receive the Welcome Bonus.

      BONUS REFERRAL BOUNTY: Go to the "Wallet" tab and copy your referral link. Tell your friends, family and followers about OmniBazaar and receive a Referral Bonus Bounty of up to 2,500 XOM ~ $7.5 for each person who joins.

      BONUS LISTING BOUNTY: Earn 5,000 XOM ~ $15 for each new product or service listing you create in the OmniBazaar marketplace.

      1. Limited to the first 500 new listings created = 2.5 million OmniCoins total bounty.
      2. Limited to 5 listings (25,000 XOM ~ $75) per user. 
      3. You must create REAL LISTINGS for new or used products you actually have for sale, services you are willing to perform, an apartment for rent, a gig you are promoting, or almost anything you are actually willing to sell or provide. 
      4. Every listing must include at least one image that is relevant to the item listed. 
      5. All listings must be in English. But, you are encouraged to make "mirror" listings in your own language.
      6. Make a screenshot of each listing you create and send to @omnirick on Telegram, along with your OmniBazaar username.
      7. After we verify your your listing(s) you will receive the bounty in your OmniCoin wallet.