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OmegaX (2)
OmegaX (2)
3 - 11
50 OMEGAX ~ $3.50 Per Person
Unlimited participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: OMEGAX
Token type: OMEGAX
ICO Token Price: $0.07
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Create your own OmegaX wallet address.

2. Join OmegaX on Telegram.

3. Follow OmegaX on Facebook and share this post

4. Follow OmegaX on Twitter and retweet this post

5. Submit your OmegaX wallet address and your details to the Airdrop form.

* Current token rate is $0,07, and after the airdrop you can exchange, withdraw or use tokens to tokenize your assets.


Between 15th-20th of January the raffle will take place among all the participants and there will be 15,000 tokens in total divided among 3 places:

1st – 7000 tokens;

2nd – 5000 tokens;

3rd – 3000 tokens.

Airdrop will end on 31st of January and all the participants will get tokens to their wallets.