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Ticker: NEXXO
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.00083
Distribution Info: After ICO

Nexxo Video Campaign is giving away a total of 18 million NEXXO tokens to users who create a video about Nexxo. The top 3 most liked and shared videos will earn the following rewards:

#1 Winner will receive 10,000,000 NEXXO tokens (~$ 8,300).

#2 Winner will receive5,000,000 NEXXO tokens (~$ 4,150).

#3 Winner will receive 3,000,000 NEXXO tokens (~$ 2,490).

How to join the Nexxo Video Campaign?

1. Create a video about Nexxo and include the three video contents as described below.

2. Submit your video on NEXXO Video bounty page.

* You have to log in to your NEXXO account, or sign up if you have not an account yet.

Video contents

-Top 3 reason why you think Nexxo is different than other projects.

-Your prediction of the NEXXO token price in December 2019.

-What would you do with your money, if you would become a millionaire from Nexxo tokens?



You must have a Nexxo.io account

Content must be of relevant industry topic and reflect positivity about NEXXO

Only original content will be accepted. Video length to be at least 1½ minutes, in English only.

Campaign runs from Dec 1st - Dec 31st

About Nexxo

Nexxo is a global leader in financial technology solutions for small businesses in emerging markets, with innovative products in payroll, payment gateway, wages protection system (WPS), point of sale (POS) devices and e-commerce. Nexxo is the trusted partner for SMEs for all their financial technology needs. Nexxo is rated 3.7/5 on ICO bench.