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9 - 30
15,000 CVZ ~ $30 Per Person
30,000 CVZ ~ $60 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: CVZ
Token type: NEM
ICO Token Price: $0.02
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop HERE!


myCoinvest is an investment company working to perfect a life changing financial solution. They offer a simple to use automatic blockchain based savings ecosystem.

myCoinvest is airdropping 15000 CVZ tokens to their community members. Visit their airdrop, complete easy tasks and submit your details to the airdrop page to earn 15000 CVZ tokens. Also earn 30000 CVZ tokens for each referral.


Visit the myCoinvest website.

*Click on the “Vezcoin Airdrop” pop up or click on “CVZ Airdrop” tab on the bottom right corner.

*Click on “User Sign up ” and submit your details.

*Click on “Share on Facebook” and follow them on Facebook.

*Click on “Share on Twitter” and follow them on Twitter.

*Join their Telegram group.

*Click on “Complete your profile” and submit your XEM wallet address and other details.

*You will receive 15 points which are worth 15000 CVZ tokens.

*Also earn 30000 CVZ tokens for each referral.


Follow us on Official TokenDrops Twitter and Telegram.