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Mtpelerin - $ 6.5 ETH LOTTERY
Mitpelerin ~ 2 Stakes Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: Mitpelerin
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0
Distribution Info: After ICO

This is not a airdrop but a lottery. 19 winners for a share of 6.5 ETH. So fill up as many tasks as possible to improve your chances of obtaining a gain in ETH directly

1. Chat with the Telegram Bot

2. Visit the Mtpelerin web site

3. Follow Twitter (+ 1 Stakes )

4. Like & follow Facebook (+ 1 Stakes )

5. Subscribe to the channel Youtube (+ 1 Stakes )

 Look at and like 2 videos

6. Follow Reddit (+ 1 Stakes )

7. Follow Linkedin (+ 1 Stakes )

8. Fill in all the spots to get stakes additional (+ 5 Stakes )

9. Submit EthWallet adresse and other details to the airdrop bot