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Maester Protocol
Maester Protocol
3 - 13
100,000 MAP ~ 1 Stakes Per Person
Unlimited participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: MAP
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.1
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Sign up Maester Protocol website and verify your email address.

2. Visit the Maester Protocol airdrop form.

3. Join their Telegram group and post a constructive question or message in their group.

4. Follow them on Twitter, retweet their pinned tweet and tag 3 friends.

5. Follow their on Facebook.

6. Follow their on Linkedin.

7. Follow their on Instagram.

8. Follow their on Medium, clap, and comment in this article.

9. Subscribe to their Reddit page.

10. Post a constructive comment on their blog and bitcointalk ANN thread.

11. Share your information on the  airdrop form.

12. Post your proof of participation on this Bitcointalk thread in the following format:
#proof of authentication
Bitcointalk Username:
Telegram Username: