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3 - 16
7 KAYA ~ $0,2 Per Person
5 KAYA ~ $0,1 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: KAYA
Token type: NEM
ICO Token Price: $5
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop HERE!

LATTICE80 is the World's Largest Fintech Hub (backed by Marvelstone Group) connecting 11,000 Fintech, Blockchain, Crypto Startups and 200,000 professionals in its database. They help Fintech Startups prototype, develop and expand their business models globally

LATTICE80 is airdropping 7 KAYA tokens to their community members. Visit their airdrop page, sign up with your email address, complete easy tasks and submit your details to the airdrop form to receive 7 KAYA tokens. Also earn 5 KAYA tokens for each referral.

  1. Visit the LATTICE80 airdrop page.
  2. Sign up with your email address.
  3. Complete easy tasks mentioned in the airdrop page.
  4. Submit your details to this airdrop form.
  5. You will receive 7 KAYA tokens.
  6. Also earn 5 KAYA tokens for each referral.

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