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25 - 395
Hot airdrop
50 KIKI ~ $25 Per Person
Max 10,000 Participants
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0 Ended
Ticker: KIKI
Token type: Apollo
ICO Token Price: $0.5
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop HERE!

1. Follow Kikicoin twitter https://twitter.com/kikicoinwallet and parent company https://twitter.com/connectkiki
2. Favorite and Retweet the pinned post.

3. Like Kikicoin facebook page at  https://web.facebook.com/kikicoinwallet and also like and share pinned post.
4. Like parent company facebook page at  https://web.facebook.com/connectkiki.

5. Join Kikicoin Telegram group at https://t.me/kikicoinwallet  and sponsor channel at https://t.me/enochdigital.

6. Subscribe to Kikicoin Youtube channel and youtube channel of parent company

7.Register on https://kikicoin.pw/login/ and verify email address (Extra 5 Kikicoins)

8. Apollo wallet - This is your wallet address for receiving apollo and Kikicoins: e.g APL-####-####-#####. If you do not have an Apollo wallet, create one at https://apollowallet.org

We invite you to  Join the Kikicoin Affiliate Program https://kikicoin.pw/affiliate-home/ 

"The Kikicoin project is the first business directory technology and token that powers businesses on the business directory platform with application and use spreading to franchise, media, ecommerce, real estate, events and ticketing, jobs and freelance, agriculture, business social networking, business artificial intelligence, amongst other application in the client and business ecosystem."