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4 - 15
10 KCASH ~ $1 Per Person
Max 10,000 Participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: KCASH
Token type: Ethereum ERC20
ICO Token Price: $0.1
Distribution Info: After ICO

Step 1: Follow Kcash official Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kcashofficial
Step 2: Like and follow Kcash official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KcashOfficial
Step 3: Download Kcash wallet: https://www.kcash.com/download-en.html
Step 4: Fill in google form. Enter your Twitter username, Facebook username and KCASH (ERC20) address in Kcash wallet. Official staff will verify and check your information to make sure you've completed all steps.
Step 5: Post proof of Authentication on this thread in following format: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4806950.0

Telegram username:
Twitter username:
Facebook Username:

Rules of the event:

1. Finish all steps and fill in google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KVZOs6obPPWfrhTJ0pQ5HwAzAfcsIrJUc260gLSL1qY/edit?ts=5b61a05e correctly to earn 10 KCASH
2. The reward of this event is limited: 100000 KCASH. First come, first served!
3. This event is only for new users of Kcash
4. After event, our staffs will give out event rewards in 3-5 work days.
5. Kcash official reserves right of final interpretation of this event.


Kcash available on https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/kcash/