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2 - 34
4 KGT ~ $4 Per Person
Max 12,500 Participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: KGT
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $1
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop HERE!

KamaGames is the largest European social mobile poker operator with plans to expand across the world's leading and emerging markets. Their innovative strategies, business solutions and strong relationship with its global player base, helps the KamaGames portfolio of products to enjoy huge popularity across the worldwide market.

KamaGames is airdropping 4 KGT tokens to their community members. Visit their airdrop form, complete easy tasks and submit your details to the airdrop form to receive up to 4 KGT tokens.

-Join their Telegram group. (+1 KGT, 12500 participants)
-Follow them on Twitter. (+1 KGT, 5000 participants)
-Follow them on Facebook. (+1 KGT, 5000 participants
-Follow them on Medium. (+1 KGT, 2500 participants)
-Submit your details to the airdrop form.
-You will receive up to 4 KGT tokens.

Follow us on Official TokenDrops Twitter and Telegram.