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0 - 9
100 - 600 IOST ~ $2-$12 Per Person
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: IOST
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.0244
Distribution Info: After ICO

The successful launch of IOST testnet - Everest v0.5 triggered a huge response across our community. We were amazed at the reaction and became even more determined to grow awareness of IOST far and wide. We are excited to announce the official launch of the IOST Community Hub to keep you informed about our project progress and to create a hub where you can join our initiatives. All developers, fans and friends are welcome to join our community and we look forward to your valuable contributions, suggestions and feedback.

To celebrate the official launch of the IOST Community Hub, IOST will be running a week long referral program to reward dedicated community members who help the community grow even bigger! This is a one of a kind event, and will be one of the largest referral giveaway programs ever, with massive rewards and individual prizes of more than 1,000,000 tokens up for grabs! 1 referral alone will earn up to 600 IOST.


Join IOST Airdrop here.
You have to answer 2 questions -"All of the above"


Visit the IOST hub and register.
You will get 100 IOST tokens.
Visit “Quests” tab to earn IOST tokens with simple tasks.
Earn more IOST for daily check-in to the platform.
600 IOST for every referral.
You need to verify at least two of your social accounts to join the referral program.
You will be able to withdraw the tokens credited your account within 30 days.

Invite a friend - you can invite friends with your unique referral code to register for the IOST Hub. They will need to correctly answer a short quiz about IOST to be accepted. If successful, you and your friend will both receive a token prize. If any question is answered incorrectly, neither party will be rewarded.

Token Prizes:- For the first 10,000 Participants = Inviter receives 600 IOST, Invitee receives 100 IOST- 10,000-30,000 Participants = Inviter receives 300 IOST, Invitee receives 50 IOST- 30,000-50,000 Participants = Inviter receives 200 IOST, Invitee receives 25 IOST- >50,000 Participants = Inviter receives 100 IOST, Invitee receives 20 IOST
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