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INDX Capital
INDX Capital
1 - 26
Unlimited Max Participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: INDX
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: 0.0001 ETH
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop HERE!


INDX use their proprietary algorithm to determine the most profitable Masternodes. This allows INDX token holders to receive a passive income from an indexlinked Masternode portfolio, without having to deal with the analytical, financial and technical hurdles.

INDX Capital is airdropping 10 INDX tokens to users who watch a video. Watch the mentioned video completely and signup with your details to receive the tokens.

-Watch the video completely.
-Join their Telegram group. (Optional)
-You will get a message after watching the video to claim your tokens.
-Submit your details and signup.
-You will get 10 INDX tokens.