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4 - 27
2800 ELINK ~ $14 Per Person
Max 25,000 Participans
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: ELINK
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.005
Distribution Info: After ICO

iLink2Musicis a tailor-made Music Entertainment Social Media Platform Powered By BlockChain, Uniting Artists, Executives & Music Lovers worldwide, regardless of their age, experience, race or beliefs, providing exclusive international music entertainment content, networking, events, contests, prizes, products & services.

To Join Airdrop 
Sign up and verify your email address. (+1200 ELINK ~ $6)
Join their Telegram group. (+800 ELINK ~ $4)
Follow them on Twitter and tweet your referral link (found in iLink2Music Dashboard) using the hashtag #iLink2MusicReferral. (+400 ELINK ~ $2)
Follow them on Facebook and post your referral link (found in iLink2Music Dashboard) using the hashtag #iLink2MusicReferral. (+400 ELINK ~ $2)
Post your proof of participation on this Bitcointalk thread in the following format:             

Telegram @:
Twitter (Yes/No):
If Yes, Twitter Tweet URL:
Facebook (Yes/No):
If Yes, Facebook Post URL:

  1. Submit your details to the airdrop form.
  2. You will receive 2800 ELINK tokens.

Follow us on Official TokenDrops Twitter and Telegram.