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20,000,000 HMX ~ 370 Stakes Per Person
20,000,000 HMX ~ 100 Stakes Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: HMX
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.00084
Distribution Info: After airdrop

Go to the Humanx airdrop page and complete social tasks.

* Humanx is distributing 20,000,000 HMX token. Total token is around $ 17,000

* Token numbers are proportional to your number of entries. Token numbers will be divided equally according to participants' entries. For example: Your number of Entries is 1% / 100%, you will receive 1% of the 20M Token equal to 20'000 HMX Tokens.

* The token is distributed within 7 days after Airdrop ends.