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0 - 52
GEX ~ $0.5 - $50 Per Person
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: GEX
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.01
Distribution Info: After ICO

GexPay is a unique mobile payment system which enables users to pay without cash or cards from their mobile phones. GexPay mobile Payment Solution provides an alternative cashless, cardless and contactless payment choice for customers as well as an attractive, cost-efficient option for banks and merchants.

GexPay is airdropping 5,000,000 GEX tokens (~$50,000) among all airdrop participants and an additional 1 GEX Stake for each referral, up to 10 referrals. ICO price: 1 GEX = 0.01 USD


 Go to GexPay Airdrop form.

 Join GexPay Telegram group = 1 Stake.

 Invite up to 10 friends to GexPay Telegram = 1 Stake per friend.

 If you are a Crowdholding user, then please provide your account URL = 1 Stake

 The limits of the stakes will vary between 50 and 500 GEX a stake ($0.5~$5).

Follow us on Official TokenDrops Twitter and Telegram.