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Fructus (2)
Fructus (2)
2 - 33
85 FRUCTUS ~ $25.5 per person
10 FRUCTUS ~ $3 per ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.30
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Sign up on the Fructus website

2. Update your profile with your ETH address

3. Go to the 'Airdrop' page

4. Add your registered and verified account and social media accounts. 15 FRUCTUS

5. Follow and follow Fructus on Facebook and share your Facebook page on your timeline. 5 FRUCTUS

6. Keep track of the message Sticked with the following tags and tag it again: #Fructus #Airdrop #Bounty #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Fruit #Vegetables 10 FRUCTUS

6. Join the telegraph channel. 5 FRUCTUS

7. Join the telegraph community. 5 FRUCTUS

8. Share the Fructus LinkedIn page. 10 FRUCTUS

9. Follow us in the middle and applaud for 2 articles. 5 FRUCTUS

10. Like and Fructus retweet after second airdrop and tag 5 friends. 5 FRUCTUS

11. Follow us on Instagram and like 2 pictures. 5 FRUCTUS

12. Join the Telegram group, be active in the group daily and ask questions or say something positive about Fructus. 10 FRUCTUS

13. Watch the second Youtube video and like it 10 FRUCTUS