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16 - 70
Already In Exchange
Max 50.00 Participants
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0 Ended
Ticker: ETHOS
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.5
Distribution Info: After ICO

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he Ethos Token (ETHOS) is essential to the function of the Ethos platform. ETHOS is a Functional Token that will be used on the platform to access various features and fees. Furthermore, as ETHOS becomes more liquid over time, we anticipate it could be used to rebalance individual portfolios. In other words, liquidity generated by ETHOS from fee conversions and ETHOS trading pairs can be used in a “liquidity network” that would enable users to shift allocations between various currencies quickly and easily.

In short ETHOS Tokens will:

  • Be the payment mechanism for accessing and using services on the Ethos platform
  • Pay for transaction fees and API calls
  • Enable liquidity to help with changes in user asset allocations


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