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6 - 29
up to 5,085 ENQ ~ $200 per person
Unlimited Participants
Airdrop Ends
Ticker: ENQ
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.04
Distribution Info: After ICO
  1. Visit the Enecuum airdrop page.
  2. Sign up with your email address, verify mail and complete KYC. (+25 ENQ)
  3. Join their Telegram group. (+ 40 ENQ)
  4. Follow them on Twitter, make at least 2 original tweets (with your own content) or 2 retweets per campaign about Enecuum with hashtag #Enecuum #ENQ #mobilemining in original tweets. (+ 20 ENQ per campaign)
  5. Also, create unique content (text or video) about Enecuum, send it to [email protected] and receive token amount between 150 ENQ and 5000 ENQ tokens.  An article should be unique and should contain at least 300 words and the video content shouldn’t be shorter than 2 mins. (+ up to 5000 ENQ)