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5 - 27
85 ENQ - $ 4,2 per person
Unlimited Partipicants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: ENQ
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.04
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Visit the airdrop page

2. Join their telegram group

3. Follow their twitter page, retweet two of their posts and tweet at least two times about their campaign. Make sure to use the #Enecuum #ENQ and #mobilemining hashtags;

*You can earn extra tokens (between 150 to 5000) by writing articles or creating videos about Enecuum, and posting them on Medium, Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube. All content must be unique, with articles having at least 300 words and videos at least 2 minutes. The content should also include links to the Enecuum website and Telegram.