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9 - 64
50 ELP ~ $4 Per Person
200 ELP In 10-30 Rank
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: ELP
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.08
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop HERE!

Elpis was conceived and developed by a group of finance experts focused on building an innovative and sustainable business that has roots in proven and trusted financial products. Elpis is possible because new forms of economies sustained by disruptive innovation create an opportunity to fund projects that bring about new wealth and intellectual challenges that were unimaginable only a few years ago. Without this new exciting environment, it would be nearly impossible to build the first of its kind hybrid investment fund in our tightly regulated financial markets. The Finance industry is controlled by institutions with the power to move large amounts of capital and with good brand recognition that in turn lowers clients’ perception of investment risk. Therefore this market is characterized by high barriers to entry, strict regulations and capital requirements, that slowsdown innovative projects despite their potential to create more efficient ways to manage funds and generate great returns on savings for everyone


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