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2 - 13
21 DXN ~ $21 Per Person
1 DXN ~ $1 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: DXN
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $1
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Goto DX.network airdrop page

2. Sign up for free token and confirm your email.

Complete the following tasks to win DX Tokens, each entry (shown at the top left) is worth 2 DX Coins. This way, you can win up to 9 entries.

3. Follow DX Network's Facebook page +1

4. Follow @TheDXNetwork on Twitter  +1

5. Tweet on Twitter +1

6. Join the DX Network in  Telegram +1

7. Follow DX Network in the Center +1

8. Follow DX Network on Linkedin +1

* When the DX Token public sale is over, they will send an email to Ethereum asking you to send your tokens.