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DBX Candy
DBX Candy
5 - 19
70,000 DBX Candy Token ~ Per Person
30,000 DBX Candy Token ~ Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: DBX Candy
Token type: DBX
ICO Token Price: $0
Distribution Info: After Control

1. Follow Their on twitter DBX official and  and their  founder’s
2. Type to @DBX_Official_bot here in the group

3. Send "dbxcandy" as private message to @DBX_Official_bot to receive your own verification code

4. Download the application to your mobile phone and create an account. Close the program and turn it on again.

5. Please enter your verification code in DBXWallet under "Game Center"  to get the airdrop reward.
İnvite code: qtmc7

6. You will receive 70,000 Dbx Candy token.