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3 - 21
20 SOUK ~$10 Per Person
6 SOUK ~$3 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: SOUK
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.5
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop HERE!


CRYPTO SOUK - 20 SOUK (~$10) - 4 / 5 (100% Real)
Only 10k participants. Better hurry up...
CryptoSouk aims to be the next generation digital asset exchange for traders of every skill level, making digital currency trading accessible to everyone. CryptoSouk is devoted to enhancing their customers trading experiences with quick trade execution, fair pricing, world-class customer service, endless improvement and limitless creativity.

1) Click here to signup for an account first http://bit.ly/2M8mkrv
2. Go to Crypto Souk airdrop form http://bit.ly/2OqC5aL
3) Follow the steps in the form and submit with your details.

You will receive 20 SOUK (~$10) on your CryptoSouk account. At completion of the airdrop form you will receive a unique referral link. Refer friends to earn 6 SOUK (~$3) for every referral! You can refer unlimited! Check your referral balance on dashboard. Round 1 is open for 10,000 participants. There will be 2 more rounds, but you can only join 1.
Airdrop token distribution is after token sale in October 2018. 1


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