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1 - 13
50 ETH ~ 1000 Stakes Per Person
50 ETH ~ 150 Stakes Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: ETH
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: 0 ETH
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Go to the Crypto Flowers airdrop page

2. Sign up Cryptoflowers site +50 stakes

3. Join their English Telegram channel ​(+100 Stakes)

4. Follow us on Twitter ​(+100 Stakes)

5. Retweet this ​tweet (+100 Stakes)

6. Follow and like us on Facebook (+100 Stakes)

7. Join their English Telegram group (+100 Stakes)

8. Join our Russian Telegram group (+50 Stakes)

9. Share this Facebook post (+100 Stakes)

10. Follow their on Medium (+100 Stakes)

11. Follow their on Pinterest (+100 Stakes)

12. Follow their on Instagram (+100 Stakes)

13. Follow their on VK (+100 Stakes)

Rewards & Prizes

1st Place Winner

Grand Prize Winner Contest: 50 ETH (worth approximately $10 000) and a unique flower, one of a kind (the average price is 100 ETH)

2st Place Winner

Prize: 25 ETH (worth approximately $5 000) and a very rare flower, the maximum repeatability of 10-20 pieces of the whole variety (the average price is 20 ETH)

3nd to 100th Place

3nd to 100th place prize: A very rare flower, the maximum repeatability of 10-20 pieces of the whole variety (the average price is 20 ETH)

101th to 1000th Place

101nd to 1000th place prize: A rare flower with Fensi elements (the average price is 10 ETH)

1001th to 30 000th Place

1001th to 30 000th Place: Fensi flower (butterfly, rainbow, etc). (the average price is 1-5 ETH)

Complete at least 7 tasks and collect at least 650 points

7 tasks and 650 points prize: ordinary flower (the average price is 0.1-50 ETH)

What is CryptoFlowers?

CryptoFlowers is an online collecting game focused around crossing and breeding new wonderful and unseen varieties of flowers. The game is built on blockchain technology, for this reason it is called CryptoFlowers. Our main goal for this project is to spread information about the blockchain technology and provide it in the most accessible form to everyone.