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Cosmos CR
Cosmos CR
4 - 20
810 CYBR ~ $20,25 Per Person
20 CYBR ~ $0.5 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: CYBR
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.025
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Go to the site and click on the airdrop. Login with social media channels or email. then confirm the email. (+10)

2. On your dashboard, click on "My" and solve additional social media tasks

3. Join Cosmos CR's Telegram Channel (mandatory) (+100)

4. Follow Cosmos CR's Twitter Page (+100)

5. Follow Nick on Twitter (+100)

6. Mention @_CosmosCR on Twitter (+100)

7. Retweet and Like following tweet (do not comment the retweet) (+100)

8. Subscribe to the Cosmos CR's YouTube Channel (+100)

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10. Follow Cosmos CR's Reddit Channel (+100)