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3 - 30
25+ Different Tasks
2,000,000 COLX
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: COLX
Token type: -
ICO Token Price: $0.00068
Distribution Info: After ICO

There are 25+ different ways to enter and each one increases your chance of winning. 

23 Winners will be announced by 1st of September.
1st will receive 500,000 Colx (500k)
2nd will receive 350,000 Colx (350k)
3rd will receive 150,000 Colx (150k)
20 people will win Discount Coupons (20%) on https://store.colossusxt.com/ products.
500,000 Colx (500k) to be airdropped in our Discord channel if Shardax voting is successful.
The YouTube Videos and T-shirt designs will be judged by the COLX community after 1st September and the winners will each be awarded 250,000 Colx (250k).
All entries for winners will be validated.


Join Airdrop HERE!

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