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23 - 65
25,000 CMD ~ $100 Per Ref
Unlimited Participant
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: CMD
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.004
Distribution Info: After ICO

Wealthcome to this business opportunity - *CoinMD*

*CoinMD* is a cryptocurrency used for healthcare services. It already has its own exchange where d coin can be traded for btc.

This is what i came up with after much reading and watching of the videos on the website for the September promo

Processes involved
1. Register

2. Proceed to verify with ur ID card (Any of Passport, Driver's license, National ID card, Voter’s card should do) here

3. After verification approval proceed to referring. On everyone you refer that does his verification and approved, you earn $100 (25,000CMD). You will see your referral link/earnings/referral earnings in your member area here:-

Pls NOTE - the $100 per referral is a September promo to spread d coins to a lot of people's hands/CMD Community building

4. Within the next 3 weeks your earnings will be converted to CMD coins in ur wallet section of your member area. You will then need to buy a membership of $150 (like 400,000 CMD) which will enable u to then have access to the exchange for you to sell ur remaining CMD to BTC.

Hope this helps us all!!


*Try and refer 30 persons who will verify so u also earn the 1million CMD coins for the September promo. With that you will have a total 1,750,000 million CMD*. ($100 is 25,000 CMD. with 30 persons that gives u 30 x 25,000 CMD = 750,000 CMD) + the bonus 1million CMD for referring 30 verified people for September.


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