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4 - 21
550 CHZ ~ $18 Per Person
Unlimited participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: CHZ
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.033
Distribution Info: After ICO

From the Airdrop link, log in, submit your information and complete as many tasks as possible.

* We have a TOTAL of 7.8012,500 $CHZ Tokens (~$250,000 USD) allocated to this bounty.

1st Place (1 winner) ~312,500 CHZ Tokens (~$10,000 USD value)

2nd - 5th Place (4 winners) ~156,250 CHZ Tokens (~$5,000 USD value)

6th - 10th Place (5 winners) ~62,500 CHZ Tokens (~$2,000 USD value)

11th - 20th Place (10 winners) ~31,250 CHZ Tokens (~$1,000 USD value)

21st - 50th Place (30 winners) ~15,600 CHZ Tokens (~$500 USD value)

51st - 1,000th Place (950 winners) - Based on 10,000 entries this would be approx. ~$50 worth of CHZ

1,000th+ Place - Equal Split of the remaining tokens (max of ~$18 worth of CHZ per account)