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6 - 51
460 CSP ~ $22.5 Per Person
Total 4,081,633 CSP
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: CSP
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.05
Distribution Info: After ICO

Caspian is airdropping up to 460 CSP tokens to their community members. Visit their airdrop page, sign up for the airdrop and complete all easy tasks to earn up to 460 CSP tokens.


Submit your details and sign up for the airdrop.

  • Join their Telegram group and invite 3 friends to their group. (+60 CSP)
  • Invite an additional 4 members to their Telegram group. (+80 CSP)
  • Help another community member by answering their question in their Telegram group. (+30 CSP)
  • Start a conversation on their Telegram group by sending 15 messages back and forth with other community members. (+40 CSP)
  • Follow them on Twitter. (+30 CSP)
  • Follow them on Medium and clap +50 times to their recent 3 articles. (+30 CSP)
  • Participate in Caspian’s Trivia and answer easy questions. (+30 CSP)
  • Answer correctly and win in Caspian’s Trivia. (+60 CSP)
  • Complete all the tasks and win +100 CSP.

Follow us on Official TokenDrops Twitter and Telegram.