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C2C System
C2C System
3 - 14
360 C2C ~$1.20 Per Person
6.75 C2C ~ $0,03
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: C2C
Token type: ARDOR
ICO Token Price: $0.0033
Distribution Info: After EVENT

1. Signup with your email address.

2. Click on “Rewards”.

3. Join C2C Telegram group. +90 C2C

4. Follow them on Twitter and retweet any two of their tweets. +90 C2C

5. Make a positive tweet about C2C including a mention of @c2catm. +90 C2C

6. Join their Discord page. +90 C2C

7. Click on the respective tasks from the airdrop page and click on “Select Reward”.

8. Submit your details and click on “Activate”.

* C2C is listed on CoinMarketCap