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Byteball Bytes
Byteball Bytes
5 - 11
0.25 GBYTE ~$12 Per Person
Unlimited Partipicants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: GBYTE
Token type: GBYTE
ICO Token Price: $46
Distribution Info: AFTER KYC

A detailed tutorial you can find, please browse first.

1. Download the Byteball IOS  or Android wallet

2. After the installation click on "Chat", choose "Bot Store" and click "Real name attestation bot"  to perform your KYC

3.  Click the 3 dotted button and choose "Insert my address". Press the send button, choose "private" and press the send button again.

4.  Enter the code KYNB7Q3Z262WF and press the send button.

5.  Click on the blue text block to sign the address.

6.  Click "SIGN" and the send button once again.

7.  Click the blue link; follow the instructions to perform your KYC.

8.  Afterwards the bot will ask you to donate the 12$, press "No".

9.  Lastly join their Telegram group

* Listed on Coinmarketcap