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8 - 42
45 BRIK ~ $14 Per Person
Max 10,000 Participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: BRIK
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.3
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop HERE!


BrikBit is the first blockchain-based ecosystem that develops and manages entire operations for the Real Estate industry. They allow each real estate object will be able to have its own blockchain with custom rules and features, depending on the country and effective legislation.

BrikBit is airdropping 45 BRIK tokens to their community members. Sign up at their website, chat with their Telegram bot, complete easy tasks and submit your details to the bot to receive 45 BRIK tokens.

*Visit the BrikBit website.
*Sign up and verify your email address. (+15 BRIK)
*Chat with this Telegram bot.
*Join their Telegram group. (+8 BRIK)
*Follow them on Facebook and post the following on their Facebook page:                                                          I love #BrikBit ! A #Revolution in #RealEstate and #PropTech via implementation of #JavaScript based #BlockchainTechnology. #BrikByBrik, this #BlockchainRealEstate #Ecosystem will Change the way you see Real Estate! #Lisk #Innovation #Blockchain #RealEstateBlockchain. (+5 BRIK)
*Follow them on Twitter and tweet the following:                                                                                                     I love #BrikBit ! A #Revolution in #RealEstate and #PropTech via implementation of #JavaScript based #BlockchainTechnology. #BrikByBrik, this #BlockchainRealEstate #Ecosystem will Change the way you see Real Estate! #Lisk #Innovation #Blockchain #RealEstateBlockchain. (+8 BRIK)
*Follow them on Instagram. (+5 BRIK)
*Submit your details to the bot.
*You will receive up to 45 BRIK tokens.

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